We want to create a world where time is perceived as a precious value rather than a measurable entity. That's why we create objects that allow us to experience time more consciously and appreciate individual moments. But there is more to time than one facet, and our story has only just begun.

"What is time?" - this question has preoccupied mankind for thousands of years. And indeed, the concept of time, divided into day, month and year, as we know it, is an invention of mankind, based on observations of our planet and our solar system. Time is therefore a cultural achievement that not only provides orientation, but also creates solidarity and community. In exploring this fascinating topic, the artists Biegert & Funk have created the QLOCKTWO UNIVERSE: a unique three-part total work of art, a triptych that celebrates time in an unmistakable way.

The division of the day into 24 hours is only valid on Earth. If you look into the vastness of the universe, days only last a very short time or what feels like an eternity. This makes it clear that time as we know it is a cultural achievement created by humans. It could never have been established without language, because language is at the heart of our perception of time. Without it, we would not be able to make appointments or tell others what time it is.

The moon has always exerted a magical attraction on mankind. As a faithful companion of the earth, it helps people to find their bearings within a series of days. As a radiant celestial body, it is the protagonist of countless stories. Seen from anywhere on our planet, it presents itself in the same phase of the moon, creating a connection between people across national borders and cultures.

QLOCKTWO - handmade unique timepieces from Schwäbisch Gmünd since 2009. Quality Made in Germany.

It all started with a simple and ingenious idea: a time display that shows the time as it is spoken. For many years, the two artists Marco Biegert and Andreas Funk worked on this idea in their studio until they finally created the first QLOCKTWO in 2009, an object that fundamentally changed the way time is displayed.

QLOCKTWO brings the time display closer to people. It becomes a friendly companion instead of a hectic driver that speeds up life even more.