For the QLOCKTWO CREATOR’S EDITION METAMORPHITE, 350 to 400 million years of pressure had to be exerted until grey slate formed from clay slurry, which ultimately adorns the front of a QLOCKTWO
The unique, typical structure of the sedimentary rock creates an interesting interplay of colors with shades of grey and maked therefore every front cover of a QLOCKTWO CREATER'S EDITION METAMORPHITE unique. As with the other models of the CREATOR’S EDITION, the letters indicating the time are cut out of the slate material of the METAMORPHITE model using high end technology.
Modern technology meets millions of years old rock, contemporary, award-winning design meets tectonically deformed and folded rock layers – a worthy extension of the QLOCKTWO CREATOR’S EDITION.
QLOCKTWO EARTH 45 is delivered in the selected language. To display time in another language, you simply need the respective front cover, which is available as an accessory.
ATTENTION: This surface is only suitable for wall mounting or the QLOCKTWO STAND.
Please note: For arabic language version, front covers can only be changed within the same language.