

QLOCKTWO is a registered Trademark and is owned by QLOCKTWO License GmbH, Goethestrasse 29, Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany. QLOCKTWO Inc. operates the website store.qlocktwo.com/us/ in accordance of the owner of the trademark. This Privacy Policy applies to the store.qlocktwo.com/us/ website and towards the times when you provide your personal information with the brand through store.qlocktwo.com/us/ or when you register as a customer at store.qlocktwo.com/us/ (the “Site”). QLOCKTWO Inc. acts under the laws of the state of California.
We value our customers’ privacy and appreciate your confidence that we will respect your privacy in a careful and sensible manner. Please read this policy carefully. Our business is constantly changing and our Privacy Policy and the Site and our Terms & Conditions may similarly evolve. We may email reminders of our notices regarding changes to this Site or to our terms of business conditions, unless you have instructed us not to, but you should check our Site to see recent changes. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account. If you choose to visit the Site, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Policy and to QLOCKTWO Inc. Terms & Conditions as stated on the Site. By visiting the Site and/or using the products and services made available to you on the Site, you acknowledge having received this information from us and are agreeing to abide by these terms. If you do not wish your personal data to be used by us as set out in this policy, please do not provide us with the same. Please note, in that case, we may not be able to serve you and permit use of certain features of the website thereby impacting your user experience.


For each visitor to our Site, our server automatically recognizes information that is anonymous, de-identified or otherwise not intended to personally identify you. This information includes without limitation, network or Internet Protocol (IP) address, type of browser you are using (e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari), the type of operating system you are using, (e.g., Microsoft Windows, MacOS), the domain name of your Internet or wireless service provider (e.g., Comcast, Verizon, AT&T), the type and/or "device ID" of handheld or mobile devices you are using (e.g., iPhone, Galaxy), mobile network, the web pages you have visited within the Website, sites visited before and after you visit the Website, general location information (e.g., city, county, and/or state), the content you have accessed and the advertisements you have been shown and/or clicked on. We may use the information described in this paragraph to improve the design and content of our Websites and other offerings, to deliver more relevant marketing messages and advertisements, to enable us to personalize your Internet experience, and to perform analytics. If you are accessing store.qlocktwo.com/us/ from a mobile device or on another service such as a mobile ad platform, you may be asked to share your geo-location information with store.qlocktwo.com/us/ so we can customize your experience on store.qlocktwo.com/us. You will be able to turn off such data collection at any time by accessing the privacy settings of your mobile device or mobile application. We may combine this and other non-personally identifiable information with the personally identifiable information that we have collected, including to customize a user's membership experience.
Information you give to us voluntarily: In order to place an order through the Site, you will be requested to register and create an online account. During this process, you may be required to provide valid and up-to-date personal information, including but not limited to your actual name, date of birth, phone number, email address and mailing address as well as other information as applicable including shipping address, billing address, credit card information (credit card number and CID number) and payment details (together comprising “Personal Information”). If you purchase our products for an another individual, the information we collect may include information of another individual, including but not limited to their name, email address, phone number and shipping address, in which case, you would undertake agreement to this policy on their behalf. Should you contact QLOCKTWO Inc. by telephone, you may also be required to provide personal information. Additionally, if you complete a customer card or otherwise provide personal information in one of our boutiques, the information you provide shall be used as described in this Privacy Policy.


store.qlocktwo.com/us/ uses cookies and web beacons (also referred to as web bugs, pixel tags or clear GIFs) to manage the Site and email programs. We do not use cookies or web beacons to collect or store personal information. A cookie is a small file placed on your computer when you visit a website. Its purpose is to manage your website experience and allow for customization of the web pages presented to you when you return to the website. Web beacons are small bits of computer code that allow a website owner to track the actions of users on the site and recipients of e-mail communications. Cookies and web beacons help us understand how consumers use the Site and email so we can better provide services in the future. QLOCKTWO Inc. may use cookies and web beacons to measure the effectiveness of our online advertising initiatives and determine the correlation between QLOCKTWO Inc. customers and the online sites they visit. The cookies and beacons we use are primarily responsible for performance and tracking, which help us improve our Site to provide you the best possible online experience; user preference cookies that facilitate your access on our Site as per the language chosen and country of residence; and technical cookies that are necessary for our Site to work properly and provide you access to services for your user profile.


The provider of this website and its pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser communicates to us automatically. The information comprises:

The type and version of browser used

The used operating system

Referrer URL

The hostname of the accessing computer

The time of the server inquiry

The IP address

This data is not merged with other data sources.

This data is recorded on the basis of Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in the technically error free depiction and the optimization of the operator’s website. In order to achieve this, server log files must be recorded.


You have the option to register on our website to be able to use additional website functions. We shall use the data you enter only for the purpose of using the respective offer or service you have registered for. The required information we request at the time of registration must be entered in full. Otherwise we shall reject the registration.

To notify you of any important changes to the scope of our portfolio or in the event of technical modifications, we shall use the e-mail address provided during the registration process.

We shall process the data entered during the registration process on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR). You have the right to revoke at any time any consent you have already given us. To do so, all you are required to do is sent us an informal notification via e-mail. This shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of any data collection that occurred prior to your revocation.

The data recorded during the registration process shall be stored by us as long as you are registered on our website. Subsequently, such data shall be deleted. This shall be without prejudice to mandatory statutory retention obligations.


We collect, process and use personal data only to the extent necessary for the establishment, content organization or change of the legal relationship (data inventory). These actions are taken on the basis of Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. b GDPR, which permits the processing of data for the fulfilment of a contract or pre-contractual actions. We collect, process and use personal data concerning the use of our website (usage data) only to the extent that this is necessary to make it possible for users to utilize the services and to bill for them.

The collected customer data shall be eradicated upon completion of the order or the termination of the business relationship. This shall be without prejudice to any statutory retention mandates.


We share personal data with third parties only if this is necessary in conjunction with the handling of the contract; for instance, with companies entrusted with the shipment of goods or the financial institution tasked with the processing of payments. Any further transfer of data shall not occur or shall only occur if you have expressly consented to the transfer. Any sharing of your data with third parties in the absence of your express consent, for instance for advertising purposes, shall not occur.

The basis for the processing of data is Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. b GDPR, which permits the processing of data for the fulfilment of a contract or for pre-contractual actions.


If you submit inquiries to us via our contact form, the information provided in the contact form as well as any contact information provided therein will be stored by us in order to handle your inquiry and in the event that we have further questions. We will not share this information without your consent.

Hence, the processing of the data entered into the contact form occurs exclusively based on your consent (Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR). You have the right to revoke at any time any consent you have already given us. To do so, all you are required to do is sent us an informal notification via e-mail. This shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of any data collection that occurred prior to your revocation.

The information you have entered into the contact form shall remain with us until you ask us to eradicate the data, revoke your consent to the archiving of data or if the purpose for which the information is being archived no longer exists (e.g. after we have concluded our response to your inquiry). This shall be without prejudice to any mandatory legal provisions – in particular retention periods.


The LiveChat Widget is a service for interacting with the LiveChat platform from LiveChat, Inc.

Processed personal data: cookie; usage data; data transmitted during the use of the service. Place of Processing: United States - Privacy Policy.

This type of service allows users to interact with third-party live chat platforms directly through this website in order to contact or be contacted by the support team responsible for this website.

If a service is installed, it may collect navigation and usage data on the pages where it is installed even if users are not actively using the service. Live chat conversations may also be logged.


Users may share the content of our website and its pages in a data protection law compliant manner on social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+. For this purpose, this website uses the eRecht24 Safe Sharing Tool.

This tool does not automatically transfer user data to the operators of these platforms. If the user is registered with one of the social networks, an information window will pop up as soon as the social button of Facebook, Google+1, Twitter et al is used, which allows the user to confirm the text prior to sending it.

Our users have the option to share the content of this website and its page in a data protection law compliant manner on social networks, without entire browsing histories are being generated by the operators of these networks.


We have integrated functions of the public media platform Instagram into our website. These functions are being offered by Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.

If you are logged into your Instagram account, you may click the Instagram button to link contents from our website to your Instagram profile. This enables Instagram to allocate your visit to our website to your user account. We have to point out that we as the provider of the website and its pages do not have any knowledge of the content of the data transferred and its use by Instagram.

The use of the Instagram plug-in is based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in being as visible as possible on social media.

For more information on this subject, please consult Instagram’s Data Privacy Declaration at: https://instagram.com/about/legal/privacy/ .


We use social plug-ins of the social network Pinterest on our website. The network is operated by Pinterest Inc., 808 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-490, USA (“Pinterest”).

If you access a site or page that contains such a plug-in, your browser will establish a direct connection with Pinterest’s servers. During this process, the plug-in transfers log data to Pinterest’s servers in the United States. The log data may possibly include your IP address, the address of the websites you visited, which also contain Pinterest functions. The information also includes the type and settings of your browser, the data and time of the inquiry, how you use Pinterest and cookies.

The use of the Pinterest plug-in is based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in being as visible as possible on social media.

For more information concerning the purpose, scope and continue processing and use of the data by Pinterest as well as your affiliated rights and options to protect your private information, please consult the data privacy information of Pinterest at: https://about.pinterest.com/en/privacy-policy.


This website uses functions of the web analysis service Google Analytics. The provider of this service is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

Google Analytics uses so-called cookies. Cookies are text files, which are stored on your computer and that enable an analysis of the use of the website by users. The information generated by cookies on your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the United States, where it is stored.

The storage of Google Analytics cookies and the utilization of this analysis tool are based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The operator of this website has a legitimate interest in the analysis of user patterns to optimize both, the services offered online and the operator’s advertising activities.


On this website, we have activated the IP anonymization function. As a result, your IP address will be abbreviated by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other states that have ratified the Convention on the European Economic Area prior to its transmission to the United States. The full IP address will be transmitted to one of Google’s servers in the United States and abbreviated there only in exceptional cases. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google shall use this information to analyse your use of this website to generate reports on website activities and to render other services to the operator of this website that are related to the use of the website and the Internet. The IP address transmitted in conjunction with Google Analytics from your browser shall not be merged with other data in Google’s possession.


You do have the option to prevent the archiving of cookies by making pertinent changes to the settings of your browser software. However, we have to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all of the functions of this website to their fullest extent. Moreover, you have the option prevent the recording of the data generated by the cookie and affiliated with your use of the website (including your IP address) by Google as well as the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en .


You have the option to prevent the recording of your data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. This will result in the placement of an opt out cookie, which prevents the recording of your data during future visits to this website: Google Analytics deactivation.

For more information about the handling of user data by Google Analytics, please consult Google’s Data Privacy Declaration at: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en.


We have executed a contract data processing agreement with Google and are implementing the stringent provisions of the German data protection agencies to the fullest when using Google Analytics.


This website uses the function “demographic parameters” provided by Google Analytics. It makes it possible to generate reports providing information on the age, gender and interests of website visitors. The sources of this information are interest-related advertising by Google as well as visitor data obtained from third party providers. This data cannot be allocated to a specific individual. You have the option to deactivate this function at any time by making pertinent settings changes for advertising in your Google account or you can generally prohibit the recording of your data by Google Analytics as explained in section “Objection to the recording of data.”


This website uses the open source web analysis service Matomo. Matomo uses so-called “cookies,” which are text files that are stored on your computer and that make it possible to analyse your use of this website. In conjunction with this, the information about the use of this website generated by the cookie will be archived on our server. Prior to archiving, the IP address will first be anonymized.

Matomo cookies will remain on your device until you delete them.

The storage of Matomo cookies and the use of this analysis tool are based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the analysis of user patterns, in order to optimize the operator’s web offerings and advertising.

The information generated by cookies concerning the use of this website shall not be shared with any third parties. You may prevent the storage of cookies at any time by making pertinent changes to your browser software settings; however, we have to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all of the functions of this website to their fullest extent.

If you do not consent to the storage and use of your data, you have the option to deactivate the storage and use of such data here. In this case, an opt out cookie will be placed in our browser, which prevent the storage of usage data by Matomo. If you delete your cookies, this will also result in the deletion of the Matomo opt out cookie. Hence, you will have to reactivate the opt out when you return to visit our website.


Our websites use the functions of Google Analytics Remarketing in combination with the functions of Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick, which work on all devices. The provider of these solutions is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

This function makes it possible to connect the advertising target groups generated with Google Analytics Remarketing with the functions of Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick, which work on all devices. This makes it possible to display interest-based customized advertising messages, depending on your prior usage and browsing patterns on a device (e.g. cell phone) in a manner tailored to you as well as on any of your devices (e.g. tablet or PC) .

If you have given us pertinent consent, Google will connect your web and app browser progressions with your Google account for this purpose. As a result, it is possible to display the same personalized advertising messages on every device you log into with your Google account.

To support this function, Google Analytics records Google authenticated IDs of users that are temporarily connected with our Google Analytics data to define and compile the target groups for the ads to be displayed on all devices.

You have the option to permanently object to remarketing / targeting across all devices by deactivating personalized advertising in your Google account. To do this, please follow this link: https://www.google.com/settings/ads/onweb/ .

The consolidation of the recorded data in your Google account shall occur exclusively based on your consent, which you may give to Google and also revoke there (Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR). Data recording processes that are not consolidated in your Google account (for instance because you do not have a Google account or have objected to the consolidation of data), the recording of data is based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The legitimate interest arises from the fact that the operator of the website has a legitimate interest in the anonymized analysis of website visitor for advertising purposes.

For further information and the pertinent data protection regulations, please consult the Data Privacy Policies of Google at: https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=en .


This website uses Google AdWords. AdWords is an online promotional program of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (“Google”).

In conjunction with Google AdWords, we use a tool called Conversion Tracking. If you click on an ad posted by Google, a cookie for Conversion Tracking purposes will be placed. Cookies are small text files the web browser places on the user’s computer. These cookies expire after 30 days and are not used to personally identify users. If the user visits certain pages of this website and the cookie has not yet expired, Google and we will be able to recognise that the user has clicked on an ad and has been linked to this page.

A different cookie is allocated to every Google AdWords customer. These cookies cannot be tracked via websites of AdWords customers. The information obtained with the assistance of the Conversion cookie is used to generate Conversion statistics for AdWords customers who have opted to use Conversion Tracking. The users receive the total number of users that have clicked on their ads and have been linked to a page equipped with a Conversion Tracking tag. However, they do not receive any information that would allow them to personally identify these users. If you do not want to participate in tracking, you have the option to object to this use by easily deactivating the Google Conversion Tracking cookie via your web browser under user settings. If you do this, you will not be included in the Conversion Tracking statistics.

The storage of “Conversion” cookies and the use of this tracking tool are based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the analysis of user patterns, in order to optimize the operator’s web offerings and advertising.

To review more detailed information about Google AdWords and Google Conversion Tracking, please consult the Data Privacy Policies of Google at: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en .

You can set up your browser in such a manner that you will be notified anytime cookies are placed and you can permit cookies only in certain cases or exclude the acceptance of cookies in certain instances or in general and you can also activate the automatic deletion of cookies upon closing of the browser. If you deactivate cookies, the functions of this website may be limited.


To measure our conversion rates, our website uses the visitor activity pixel of Facebook, Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”).

This tool allows the tracking of page visitors after they have been linked to the website of the provider after clicking on a Facebook ad. This makes it possible to analyse the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes and to optimize future advertising campaigns.

For us as the operators of this website, the collected data is anonymous. We are not in a position to arrive at any conclusions as to the identity of users. However, Facebook archives the information and processes it, so that it is possible to make a connection to the respective user profile and Facebook is in a position to use the data for its own promotional purposes in compliance with the https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/.

The use of Facebook Pixel is based on Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in effective advertising campaigns, which also include social media.

In Facebook’s Data Privacy Policies, you will find additional information about the protection of your privacy at: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/ .

You also have the option to deactivate the remarketing function “Custom Audiences” in the ad settings section under https://www.facebook.com/ads/preferences/?entry_product=ad_settings_screen .

If you do not have a Facebook account, you can deactivate any user based advertising by Facebook on the website of the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/de/praferenzmanagement/ .


If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter offered on this website, we will need from you an e-mail address as well as information that allow us to verify that you are the owner of the e-mail address provided and consent to the receipt of the newsletter. No further data shall be collected or shall be collected only on a voluntary basis. We shall use such data only for the sending of the requested information and shall not share such data with any third parties.

The processing of the information entered into the newsletter subscription form shall occur exclusively on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR). You may revoke the consent you have given to the archiving of data, the e-mail address and the use of this information for the sending of the newsletter at any time, for instance by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link in the newsletter. This shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of any data processing transactions that have taken place to date.

The data you archive with us for the purpose of the newsletter subscription shall be archived by us until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Once you cancel your subscription to the newsletter, the data shall be deleted. This shall not affect data we have been archiving for other purposes.


This website uses the services of MailChimp to send out its newsletters. The provider is the Rocket Science Group LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA.

Among other things, MailChimp is a service that can be deployed to organise and analyse the sending of newsletters. Whenever you enter data for the purpose of subscribing to a newsletter (e.g. your e-mail address), the information is stored on MailChimp servers in the United States.

MailChimp is in possession of a certification that is in compliance with the “EU-US-Privacy-Shield.” The “Privacy-Shield” is a compact between the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA) that aims to warrant the compliance with European data protection standards in the United States.

With the assistance of the MailChimp tool, we can analyse the performance of our newsletter campaigns. If you open an e-mail that has been sent through the MailChimp tool, a file that has been integrated into the e-mail (a so-called web-beacon) connects to MailChimp’s servers in the United States. As a result, it can be determined whether a newsletter message has been opened and which links the recipient possibly clicked on. Technical information is also recorded at that time (e.g. the time of access, the IP address, type of browser and operating system). This information cannot be allocated to the respective newsletter recipient. Their sole purpose is the performance of statistical analyses of newsletter campaigns. The results of such analyses can be used to tailor future newsletters to the interests of their recipients more effectively.

If you do not want to permit an analysis by MailChimp, you must unsubscribe from the newsletter. We provide a link for you to do this in every newsletter message. Moreover, you can also unsubscribe from the newsletter right on the website.

The data is processed based on your consent (Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. a GDPR). You may revoke any consent you have given at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter. This shall be without prejudice to the lawfulness of any data processing transactions that have taken place prior to your revocation.

The data you archive with us for the purpose of the newsletter subscription shall be archived by us until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Once you cancel your subscription to the newsletter, the data shall be deleted from our servers as well as those of MailChimp. This shall not affect data we have been archiving for other purposes.

For more details, please consult the Data Privacy Policies of MailChimp at: https://mailchimp.com/legal/terms/.


We have executed a so-called “Data Processing Agreement” with MailChimp, in which we mandate that MailChimp undertakes to protect the data of our customers and to refrain from sharing it with third parties. You may review this Agreement under the following link: https://mailchimp.com/legal/forms/data-processing-agreement/sample-agreement/.


We are not in the business of selling or renting any information about our customers to any third party. We share customer information only on a limited basis and with our parent company and affiliates as listed in the preamble. We share it on a limited basis with agents we use from time to time to send postal mail and email, remove repetitive information from customer lists, analyse data, provide marketing assistance, and provide customer service. Unless you instruct us not to, QLOCKTWO Inc. may use your information to provide you with or communicate with you about services and information you have requested or products you have purchased (e.g., time pieces, purchase orders, e-mail newsletters), to resolve disputes, collect fees, provide technical support for the Services or troubleshoot problems, protect the safety of our users, and for any other purpose for which you provided the information. QLOCKTWO Inc. also may use your information to respond to specific inquiries made by you; to prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities, and enforce the legal terms (including without limitation our policies and terms of service) that govern your use of our Website, and/or for the purposes for which you provided the Information; to customize, measure, analyse and improve our services, content and layout; or to customize or personalize ads, offers and content made available to you based on your visits to and/or usage of the Website. In addition, QLOCKTWO Inc. may use your information and/or supplement your information with information we obtain from other sources (e.g., partners, third-party providers, public sources) to customize and enhance your online experience, including for online advertising purposes as described below, and to notify you about special offers, products, services, and information that we think may be of interest to you. When QLOCKTWO Inc. engages in such activities, we do not share your personal information. If you do not wish to receive such mailings and email updates, or otherwise wish to remove your name from our list, you can opt-out by indicating your preference according to the instructions provided within the e-mails received. We release account and other personal information in compliance with the applicable laws and according to court orders; to enforce or apply our Site’s Terms & Conditions, and /or other agreements between you and QLOCKTWO Inc.; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of the Site, our users, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction. However, this does not include selling, renting, sharing, or otherwise disclosing personally identifiable information from customers for commercial purposes in violation of the commitments set forth in this Privacy Policy. The personal information collected here is stored and processed in California USA, where the company is currently based. In case QLOCKTWO Inc., or substantially all its assets are acquired by one or more third parties as a result of a merger, sale, consolidation or liquidation, customer information may be one of the transferred assets.


The following information will be used jointly by QLOCKTWO Inc., by the credit card processing company and your credit card company to process payment of your order, and by other companies to handle credit checks and fraud prevention:

- Your name, contact details, shipping and billing addresses;
- Your credit card information;
- The identification of the purchases you have ordered;
- The price paid for the items or services you have ordered; and
- Information relating to your device (such as, IP Address, type of operation system). Your credit card company is responsible for their use of your personal information and should be contacted directly regarding any matter pertaining to their use of your personal information.


You can make changes to your personal contact information, billing and shipping address, by logging into your user account or by contacting QLOCKTWO Inc. using the contact email address service@qlocktwo.com.


QLOCKTWO Inc. is concerned about the privacy protection of children who access the internet, and we comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Accordingly, the Site is not intended for use by anyone under the age of 13 without the supervision of a parent or guardian, and we do not knowingly collect Information from anyone under 13 years of age. If you are under the age of 13, please do not submit any personal information to us, you may rely on your parent or guardian to assist you.


Certain activities through the Site may be linked with those from other unrelated third party companies that offer you the option to share your personal information with the third party. We will not share your personal information with those third-party companies; only you can if you make that choice. Links and social media plugins, if provided on the Site, to third party websites are provided as a convenience to you and we do not control those sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from ours. We do not endorse or make any representations about any third-party sites that may be accessible through the sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any company before submitting your personal information. The personal data you choose to give to unrelated third parties is covered by their privacy policies, not this Privacy Policy. Some third-party companies may choose to share their personal data with us; that sharing is governed by that third party company’s privacy policy. Any liability of QLOCKTWO Inc. for the use of links to third party websites and social media plugins that are not under the control of QLOCKTWO Inc. is excluded. The user accepts and explicitly declares that the use of links to third party websites and social media plugins is at their own discretion and risk.


QLOCKTWO Inc. is committed to offering our customers a safe and secure environment. Our servers utilize SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption technology to help protect your personal information. By using an SSL-compatible browser such as Google Chrome, Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, you can help ensure that your personal identifiable information is unavailable to unauthorized users and processed confidentially. In the unlikely event that we believe that the security of your personally identifiable information in our possession or control may have been compromised, we may seek to notify you of that development. If a notification is appropriate or required by law, we would endeavour to do so as promptly as possible under the circumstances, and, to the extent we have your email address, we may notify you by email.


You have the right to receive: a) information identifying any third party company(ies) to whom QLOCKTWO Inc. may have disclosed, within the past year, Personal Information (as defined herein) pertaining to you and your family for that company's direct marketing purposes; and b) a description of the categories of Personal Information disclosed. To obtain such information, please email your request to the contact email address for customer service provided below.


Note that your browser settings may allow you to automatically transmit a "Do Not Track" signal to websites and online services you visit. In this context. Like many websites and online services, QLOCKTWO Inc. currently does not alter its practices when it receives a "Do Not Track" signal from a visitor's browser. However, you can change your privacy preferences regarding the use of cookies and similar technologies through your browser. You may set your browser to accept all cookies, block certain cookies, require your consent before a cookie is placed in your browser, or block all cookies. To find out more about "Do Not Track," you may wish to visit http://www.allaboutdnt.com.

In addition, note that third parties may collect personal information about your online activities over time and across different websites when you visit our websites or other online websites and services. Any liability of QLOCKTWO Inc. regarding the data collection of third parties by means as described above is excluded.


With respect to the Services offered and provided to residents in Canada, QLOCKTWO Inc. practices and policies are intended to comply with the Canadian Federal Government's Personal Information Protection and Electronic documents Act of 2000, as well as the privacy standards implemented by the Canadian Standards Association in its 1996 Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information, CAN/CSA-Q830-96. If you are a resident of Canada, the policies and practices set forth herein supplement our general Privacy Policy and this Supplement thereto and apply to our handling and treatment of your Personal Information. With respect to our treatment of your Personal Information, if there is any conflict between any of the practices and policies set forth below and any other practices or policies that may otherwise apply, the terms of this Section will apply to you.


By using this Site, you consent to our use of email as a means for QLOCKTWO Inc. to communicate with you and to send any notices and other information as provided herein. If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at service@qlocktwo.com